All-Purpose Fields for CSW Mercy Orphanage – February, 2020.

Behind the Cambodia Social Welfare Orphanage there was a plot of dirt behind the orphanage where the children would play outside. When Mercy Worldwide got involved in the orphanage, they had a goal to transform this area into a safer place for the children to play. We worked with their team on the ground to get funding for the construction of two All-Purpose Playing Fields to be installed. Over the coarse of several weeks they flattened the ground, layed out the astroturf grass strips, installed nets around the circumference, painted the field and set up the goals posts. Two fields were created, a large one next to the school for the older kids, and a smaller field behind it for the little ones. Today, the children of the orphanage use the fields daily for play, exercise and sunshine.

Learn more about this project here.